Mini-Online Course Overview

Recently, in our ILT module we have been given a task to create a mini-course relevant to our subject of teaching. The overview of the course is as follow:

Course Link:

Course Description:

I have created a short course on Google classroom by the name “Scratch block coding- beginners”. It is a block-based coding program course which aim to teach anyone who wants to acquire the coding skill with zero coding background. Being primary ICT teacher, it would also help my KS2 student to refer the course in their journey of block coding. The course is divided into six broad sections which sequentially unfolds the tasks and activities. It is very important to follow the chronological order of the lessons because if student would skip one task the next task would be difficult to understand. There is gradual progression in each task in term of difficulty level and proficiency in the subject.

The first section of the course comprised of introductory information about the programming platform, that is scratch. The tasks added in the course are interactive and require student participation and engagement at all levels in order to enjoy the learning experience. This section provides the overview of the software used, the student’s perception of coding and basic function which would be useful through out the sessions. Different activities have been added in this section like interactive Edpuzzel video, Google Jamboard for sharing ideas and some fun-based game learning quiz on Blooket.

Clear guidance, separate instruction and objectives has been mentioned with each section, so students can easily understand and follow directions. After introductory session students are needed to create different project based on diverse themes. At the beginning of each section the tasks have been well explained through written and video-based content. It has been ensured that concept and logic behind each task is thoroughly illustrated so student would have maximum understanding of coding concept. The course has been designed in a way that, peers’ work can be viewed easily and have the essence of regular classroom. Student can still work on their own pace, but a due date has been given for each task with a week or two window so everyone can review others’ work within same time frame. Students input is the core of the course, be it the task or their feedback to make the experience more fun and inclusive to learning.

Course Rationale:

The reason behind creating this specific course is to get everyone acquainted with the world of coding, which could be helpful to understand and communicate with technology in this digital era. The word coding is usually intimidating for most, as people think it requires a formal computer science degree to understand coding languages, and people with the relevant field can only master the skill. It’s true to the extent that formal education helps to get deeper understanding of programming, but if you have urge to learn coding then training and practice helps anyone to write code (Balla and Kiraly, 2016). The block coding or the visual based code is a springboard for the programming world. It is based on the logical thinking and reasoning, which can be achieved by the non-professional of the field as well.

I believe that learning a skill at any age would broaden the horizon of one’s personality and creates professional avenues. Hence, this course would be helpful to anyone who would like to learn a technology-based skill set and thrive in the technological age. The course is designed in the line with advocacy of autonomous learning. Although, the student who would have access to the course will have a clear guideline of the content and task, but the element of independent learning is prevalent. Tasks are designed in a way that motivate the student to explore the subject and use their creativity to accomplish the desired objectives.


The learning management system used for the course is “Google Classroom”. The reason to use this particular learning management system is numerous benefits it offers at free of cost. People are generally aware of this platform at large. Almost everyone has gmail account to access it, which make the accessibility much convenient. The participants of the course can easily enroll with their account by using the link and commence the program (Philipose and Rajagopal, 2019).  

Simple and straightforward interface of the platform makes it easier for the user to understand the structure and navigational options (Philipose and Rajagopal, 2019). I believe as the content of the course is already new and have least familiarity, hence the management system should be clear and easy for the students so they can understand the structural units of the course without problem. Clear and simple layout of the platform give visual ease to the user interface, hence make experience smooth without putting constrain on user usability (Moreno, 2022)

Some significant philosophies and theories of teaching and learning were considered while designing the course, which are discussed as follow:

Graduate attribute and competency theory:

Research has shown that some traits and qualities are mandatory to be embedded into the educational program to create a competent and capable individual who can thrive in the professional scope. These competencies and qualities are helpful in both professional and personal life for the growth of the students.

The course has been outlined in way that activities and tasks are align with some graduate attributes and competencies. For instant in couple of activities students need to review the video for final presentation and follow the written explanation to create their own scratch program. In this process, student will make some mistake while creating the code script. The process of debugging and creating a project similar to final video presentation require the quality of learning from the errors and recreate something better. This one of the top attributes which are desired from the graduates. Learning from experience is another graduate attribute which has been employed in the course while creating a task where student need to develop each project based on the previous learning experience and incorporate in way that synthesis something new out of learned knowledge. One of the activities, which is known as “2-star 1 wish” is designed by keeping in mind the attribute of “Understanding personal strength and limitation”. For the activity students must share their view on the good things and thing to be improved with their peers, which promote sense of reflection on the skill and acceptance to the area of improvement. One of the most important competencies integrated in the course structure is the ability of “lateral and creative thinking”. The task where students have to create their own project on the basis of given checklist but have give creative liberty to explore the platform and synthesis something new, is the explicit example of this attribute which is being aspired by the competent graduates (Carrington, 2013).

Motivation Theory:

Learning to the maximum potential can only be achieved if learner is engaged in the process and is not only the receiver of knowledge but the creator of new learning stream. This can only be possible if the motivation level of the student is intrinsic and consistent. Motivation plays a vital role in the success of the creating conducive environment for learning. The elements which boost the intrinsic motivation for the students is work autonomy, interactivity, diversification, and innovation in task design.  

In this course, every task is curated in a way that keep the motivation level high. To begin with, variety of activities has been included which are diverse from each other. This breaks the monotony of task and keep engaging each student at every level. Different digital tools are used like Blooket, Wordwall, Edpuzzle, Jamboard, Flipgrid, Mentimeter and Quizezz to offer variation in the tasks. Moreover, the autonomy of work is kept in mind, where student have to practically create their scratch projects and can view others work as well to get inspiration from peer’s work. Every unit require active involvement of the student, there is no passive learning. Diversification in the type of activities keep student intrigued for following units. Students enjoy game-based learning and one of the unit focuses on creating their own game, which would be great learning for the students and keep their interest as well (Frey and Fisher, 2010).

SAMR Model:

The SAMR model is an effective way to analyze the usefulness of online task created in the course. According to the model it should not only have meaningful goal but also show enhancement of learning by using the technological tool/platform. If I have to reflect on the mini-course I have created, then all four stages of SAMR have glimpses in the activities crafted for the course. The substitution is noticeable where written step by step explanation has been given to the student to complete the project in the form of Google Doc. The video explanation also serves the same purpose of substitutional stage. However, if we look at one stage ahead of it, that is augmentation which focus on the technological enhancement and provide learning beyond the regular medium, then Edpuzzle activity and Flipgrid platform can be engaging task where interactivity pull forward the learning process and increase the breadth of knowledge. As the learning program “Scratch” is itself a digital platform, which help student to create coding-based animation which is centered on logical thinking and reasoning. This comes under the modification stage as the learning platform itself teaches beyond the traditional teaching setting (Best, 2020).

Teaching And Learning Theories:

There are three prominent teaching and learning theories which influence the content and structure of the course. The first one is constructivism learning theory, where learning through experience and understanding is the key. The course is founded on the same philosophy, where primarily different function of the coding program is getting familiarized to the student, and afterwards based on those newly learned function, projects would be created (Gatt and Vella, 2003).

Another significant learning theory adopted in the course is social constructivism. There are many activities adopted in the course which promote sharing of thoughts, ideas and work to influence and get learned from other. For instance, Jamboard is used to communicate ideas and perception about coding with fellow participants. In this way student would learn others perspective and absorb new knowledge by sharing. Secondly, it been advised to student that each task not only be shared with the course instructor but shared on a common platform, that is Flipgrid, so everyone could see each other work. This would be a great experience on going learning from peers. Everyone has different creative edge so same program can be design differently which would expand the learning curve of each student as new views and perspective would be added to the learning. Not only sharing of work but reflective analysis is required by the students on each other project.

As this course is based on learning management system and each task is backed by some technological tool so we cannot skip the theory of connectivism. Connectivism has strong influence on creating this online course. Creating a learning experience which can be achieved at one’s comfort zone and being monitored through digital network is certainly based on the foundation of connectivism. Learning and evolving through the technological tool is the example of same philosophy. Autonomy of work is also promoting the same ideas based on connectivism. Furthermore, sharing your scratch projects on your free account is accessible to the global community, which give sense of achievement to the students (Siemen, 2005).


Best, J. (2020), The SAMR Model explained (15 examples), 3P Learning, Available at The SAMR Model Explained (With 15 Practical Examples) (, (Accessed on 10th April 2023)

Carrington, A. (2013), Start with Graduate Attributes, Designing Outcome, Available at (Accessed on 15th April, 2023).

Frey, N. and Fisher, (2010), Motivation requires a meaningful task, National Council of Teachers of English, English Journal, 100(1):30-36 Available at (Accessed on 15th April, 2023)

Gatt. S, and Vella. Y, (2003), Constructivism: An effective Theory of Learning, Agenda Publisher, Available at (Accessed on 28th March 2023)

Kiraly, S. and Balla, T. (2018), Code School: Learn to code by practicing, Conference: MaCS 2016 Mathematics and Computer Science, Eger, Hungary, Available at: (PDF) Code School: Learn to code by practicing ( (Accessed on 15th April 2023)

Moreno, L. (2022), Fundamental of layout in user interface design (UI), UX Collection, Available at : Fundamentals of layout in user interface design (UI) | by Leonardo Moreno | UX Collective ( (Accessed on 3rd March, 2023)

Philipose, C. and Rajagopal, S. (2019), Google Classroom as a Learning Management System (LMS) for Teaching English, FORTELL Issue No.38, Available at (Accessed 3rd April 2023).

Siemens. G, (2005), Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (ITDL), Available at (Accessed on 28th March 2023)

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