Thursday, April 20, 2023

ChatGPT in Education

Few weeks back, I was teaching my year 4 students and was explaining to them how to write email in a correct format and with the right structure. One of my students asked me why are we learning it? He said " My dad use ChatGPT to write his business emails". This really took my attention to the point that it's so important to deeply understand the purpose of learning in order to have effective learning in this age where everything is just a click away. I have explained ChatGPT can only be useful if you understand yourself that whether it has produced a quality work according to your need or not.  

The future would be all about AI tools. We cannot escape from its existence, but what we can do is to use it to make our teaching more innovative and effective with these AI tool. We have to change the nature of the assessment to incorporate such technology-based tool. Use them in away that would helpful for the students to use it to sharpen their cognitive skill rather than passively acquiring knowledge. 

Recently, few of my colleagues had a discussion on ChatGPT and its impact on education, which is as follows. Please look through and add your point of view as well. 


Roose, K. (2023), Don't ban ChatGPT in School- teach with it, Newyork Times, Available at : Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It. - The New York Times ( (Accessed on 28th March). 

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Digital Visitor/Residents

 Recently, I have come across relatively new terminologies during my IPL course. Digital visitor and digital residents, which evoke my curiosity to further research about the coined words and reflect with respect to my personal and professional standing. Interestingly, it translated my digital usage and made me aware how my actions have impacted my practice for technology. Digital visitors and residents lay on the same spectrum, which is evident that traces of both would be found in the user practices.

Before I present my own position on the continuum, would like to elaborate the terms in a layman language; if your presence is visible on digital platforms and create an impact on the digital users then you would be certainly classified as a Resident. You not only have a digital footprint but also has significant influence in the world of technology. On the other hand, if you are quite a prominent user of the world wide web, but don’t have traces to be figured out. Your role is just to get benefited from the amazing technologies and leave the space without leaving your marks then you are entitled as a visitor (White & Cornu, 2011).

Although, we cannot categorize any of the phenomenon superior or better to the other, but indeed it depicts the level of engagement of the user and the effect it can cause to the strategies which can be employed accordingly. It can act as a psycho-behavioral tool to gauge the motivation and nature of involvement of using technology in personal and professional sphere (Formateje, 2016).

My diagram clearly shows, I am more inclined toward the institutional usage as a resident where digital platforms are frequently used and my interaction with communal space is more obvious. My digital footprint in the institutional context depicts that my urge to learn new informative system and approaches is stronger. My professional growth is dependent on my digital networking, and it portrays my strong commitment to excel and achieve within my professional space. On the other hand, there is more concentration as a visitor in terms of my personal usage. It could be deduced that my personal choices are dependent on the technological use, but only when there is a necessity to find something relevant. In a way it demonstrates my introvert nature when it comes to personal choices.

I would like you to reflect on your position to better understand your choices and behavior, which is a great way to introspect.


Formateje, N. (2016) Digital visitors or digital residents, how do you browse, Universitat Oberta de Catalyunya, Accessed on 01st April 2023

Available on Digital visitor or digital resident, how do you browse? (

White, D. and Cornu, A. (2011), Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement, First Monday, Volume 16, Number 9 – 5, Accessed on 28th March 2023

Available at: View of Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement | First Monday

ChatGPT in Education

Few weeks back, I was teaching my year 4 students and was explaining to them how to write email in a correct format and with the right struc...